How Can You Be Sure
What You’ve Been Taught
About the Bible is the Truth?
In a world filled with different religions and countless interpretations of the Bible, determining fact from opinion can be overwhelming. One person says their understanding of the Bible is true, while others claim they know the real truth. With so many different perspectives, how can anyone be certain of what is truly factual?
My goal with this writing is to address these questions, and many more, drawing upon more than thirty years of my personal research. What you will not find in this book is the promotion of any particular religion, church or affiliation. Nor will you be asked to buy anything or donate any money. This book was created to make understanding the Bible easier, not for financial gain.
To keep things simple, I have chosen to present this information in a narrative form rather than relying solely on facts and data. This approach aims to be engaging and relatable, making the reading easier to understand.
I will construct a timeline that pieces together elements from the past, present, and future to create a comprehensive picture. This should make studying the Bible more manageable and help answer previously challenging questions.
My objective is to provide readers with the tools needed to think independently and verify the truth for themselves. These tools will help avoid the pitfalls of mistranslations and individual biases, including my own.
Do I expect everyone to accept my words as absolute truth? Certainly not. Instead, I hope that readers will investigate my research and arrive at their own conclusions, ultimately bringing them closer to God.